dreaming in color.


All submissions (fiction, fan art, and vids) should be sent to your webmaster for archiving. The content of your submission is your responsibility-- and you deserve all the credit, too! Remember to include an address where other fen can reach you with feedback!

Submission Guidelines

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Guidelines originally drafted by Te, updated 2009. Email your webmaster to contribute.

You asked for 'em, you got 'em! The submission guidelines for Remember Us are pretty simple, and they include two different but equally important parts: content and format. First, the fanfic.

Fiction Guidelines

Does your story feature a character of color in a lead role? Then we want it! Does your story feature a character of color as an equal part of an ensemble? Then we want it! A two line appearance, by the way, does not count as an equal part of an ensemble.

And now the sticky portion: for the purposes of this archive, a CoC is defined as any non-caucasian character- we are not accepting ethnic caucasians not because they're not "of-color," but because 1) ethnic caucasians are heavily represented in popular media, and 2) it would put us in the uncomfortable position of creating a "brown enough" scale, and we just don't want to go there.

Special rules regarding aliens- if the alien race supercedes the "of color," then we aren't accepting them. (For example, Tuvok is a Black Vulcan, whereas Worf is just a Klingon. We'll take Tuvok stories, but not Worf stories.) Any fandom, any pairing (or no pairing at all,) any genre- those possibilities are limitless. We accept gen, het and slash, but at this time, we are only accepting fiction. Sorry, no poetry or filk at this time!


Okay, so you know you definitely have a story we want to include. We're happy to archive your story in one of two ways- the first is simple, if you already have the story online, we'll be happy to link to it. In that case, please drop us a note with the name of the story, the fandom, a summary and rating, and the URL of your story, and we'll add it right away. If you'd prefer that we house your story locally (traditional archiving) please send us a TEXT ONLY file (that's .txt or .rtf) with your name, the fandom, a summary, a rating, and, of course, your story. Do NOT send Word or Word Perfect Documents, we will not open them. (Viruses, y'know.)

FanArt Guidelines

Hey, we want your fanart too, and we're happy to house it here. If you'd like to submit manips, wallpapers, etc., featuring characters of color in all their graphical glory, please e-mail  us your JPG or GIF file, the title of the piece (if any,) the fandom, and the name you prefer to be credited by. If your fanart is NSFW, say so!

Vidding guidelines

Vids featuring characters of color are welcome here, and you work hard at making them. For now, please make it simple for us by posting your video on a page of your own (your blog, YouTube page, journal, etc.) and just email the URL so that we can link to that page from here. Any format is OK; we've included some tips for your throngs of viewers. Include some info with the link: the title of the vid, the fandom and characters of color involved, the song title and artist, and a description, if you like. We'll include a nifty black-and-white thumbnail image from a screen capture along with the link. If your vid is NSFW, say so!

Thank you for your interest in and support of Remember Us, without your contributions, we'd be a big, pretty website with nothin' on it!